Monday, November 12, 2012

The Boys Baptism

Yesterday we had Bennett and Walker baptized at our church.  It was a very special day and we were blessed that all of our families could make it to see them be baptized.  We never had Bennett baptized as a baby because at that time we were still looking for our permanent church.  Luckily we found it close to 2 years ago and this past May we made it official and became members.  Once we saw they were doing children's baptism we decided it was time to have Bennett and Walker baptized and I am honestly so glad we could do them both at the same time.  It was so special seeing them together. 

Waiting for the service to start

Listening to our pastor

Bennett being baptized

Walker's turn

Our church does baptisms as more of a dedication.  This baptism doesn't mean we think our boys are saved, it means we will raise them up to know God and do our best as parents to teach them how to have their own relationship with God so that one day when they are old enough to make their own decision they will hopefully get baptized on their own.  They are too young to make that decision now so the service was for us as parents to make a promise that we will be their example.  It is a huge responsibility as a parent and one that Jeremy and I do not take lightly.  Once you have kids it makes you really evaluate your own relationship with God.  I want to live my life in a way that Bennett and Walker can learn from my example and I fail on a daily basis.  I am so glad we have a supportive family and church who will help us along this journey.

Yesterday was such a special day and I am so thankful we have been entrusted to be Bennett and Walker's parents.  They really are the biggest blessing we could have ever asked for and I just hope we do everything we can do to raise them to know the Lord and have a close personal relationship with Him.   

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