Thursday, December 29, 2011


We had a great Christmas this year!  Christmas Eve we always spend with Jeremy's family and we usually go to his parents house but this year we had it at our house.  It was a lot of fun to have everyone here.  We had a nice lunch and after we ate we opened gifts with everyone.  Bennett got spoiled and received so many great gifts!  His big gift was from Gigi and Papa Daddy and it was his train table.  He loves his gift and has had a lot of fun playing with it everyday since he got it.  A huge thank you to Papa Daddy and Uncle Josh.  They helped Jeremy put the table together and that thing was a pain to set up!!  After everyone left we got ready for Santa's arrival!

Carder enjoying her new chair

Bennett climbing on his train table box

Playing with his new table!

Milk and cookies set out for Santa

Christmas morning Bennett slept in so we waited for him to wake up.  I am sure in years to come we will wish that was the case.  Once he woke up we ate breakfast then opened gifts.  Bennett didn't quite get it at first but once he opened his first gift he got the hang of it very quickly!!

Checking out his stack of gifts

Tearing into his gift

He loves his new football

Admiring all of his new trains!

Putting his new trains on his train table

Playing with his new Hot Wheels ramp that launches his Hot Wheels.  I don't know who loves it more Bennett or Jeremy!!

After we had Christmas at home and Bennett got a nap we headed over to my dad's house to have Christmas with them.  It was a lot of fun seeing Ryan, Ella, and Bennett get so excited over all of their gifts.  All 3 kiddos got so many great new toys!  They are all spoiled rotten by grandparents!

Happy about his new Rock n Roll Elmo

Ryan and his new Lightening McQueen

Bennett and Ryan playing with Bennett's new truck

Checking out his workbench from Pop Pop!

Ella pushing her baby doll in her shopping cart

Spoiled little boy was very happy!!

Being thrown by Uncle Dallon.  He always goes to Uncle Dallon to get thrown around!

Standing on Pop Pop!

We are so blessed to live close to both of our families and be able to spend time with everyone over the Holidays.  Christmas was great this year and it is so much more fun to see everything through a child's eyes.  We finally have our house back in order and all of the Christmas decorations put away.  Now we are ready to celebrate New Years!  We are excited about 2012 and all that it has in store for us!

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