Monday, November 14, 2011


Every night before Bennett goes to bed we play in his room with his choo choo as he likes to call his train. We let him play for a while and wind down then get him ready for bed.  Then we pull down 3 books from his book shelf and let him pick out which book we will read to him.  His top favorites are Curious George, Clifford, Brown Bear Brown Bear, Cat in the Hat, or The Little Engine that Could.  Recently that has changed and he only wants George.  Tonight Jeremy pulled down 3 books and a couple of the options are usually a big hit, but Bennett looked up at his book case and said "George".  Looks like only George will do so we will have to make sure that one of his Curious George books is an option.

Bennett loves Curious George.  Anytime he sees a monkey he screams "George"!  This is going to be the theme of his 2nd birthday party so I think it is safe to say he is going to be thrilled with his party!

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