Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer Days

So far this summer we have spent a lot of time at the pool, park, play dates with friends or just playing outside in the backyard.  It has been going pretty fast and I can't believe it is almost July already.

Here are a lot of pictures of what we have been up to...

Bennett practicing writing his letters and he is getting pretty good at it!  Looks like we have a lefty :)

Baby pool fun in the back yard

Why not drink from the hose!?

At the zoo and it was Walker's first time there.  Can you tell he was excited?

Jeremy and Bennett checking out animals at the zoo

Me and my babies at the zoo

Playing outside
Park time

He loves to swing!

Playing outside at 7:30 am.  This is what happens when you have an early riser with loads of energy!

Eating breakfast on the patio since Bennett was outside playing

Pool time

About to jump in

Fun day on the lake with friends

So far it has been a really fun summer and we have a lot of fun things coming up.  In July we already have a busy month planned especially since Walker's birthday is on the 19th!  We also have a beach trip booked and I am counting down the days until we go!  Once we get back from the beach Bennett has Open House at his preschool then he starts back to school.  I just got Bennett's preschool registration information for August so it made me realize before I know it summer is going to be over!

11 months old!!!!

I cannot believe that in less than one month my baby is going to be ONE!  Walker has changed a lot in the last month and is growing up so fast.  Here is a run down of what Walker is up to lately...

-He is completely off of baby food, he will pretty much eat whatever we are eating
-Pulling up onto everything and starting to cruise
-He will give kisses on demand and even follow it up with a "muah" sound
-When you say "Hi Walker" he throws both hands in the air and does his own version of waving
-As soon as Jeremy gets home from work the first thing he has to do is pick up Walker or Walker will scream his head off :)
-Tries to keep up with Bennett and gets very frustrated that he can't.  I think as soon as he figures out how to walk he will be the happiest baby!
-Still naps twice a day and sleeps 12 hours at night
-Just got his top two teeth in, so he now has four teeth

Saying "Hi"!!

Precious baby

This is what happened when I tried to sit him down for a picture

All over the place and won't sit still

I love my little Walker so much and it is so much fun seeing his personality really start to come out.  I have a feeling he is going to give me a run for my money during his toddler years!  He is very feisty but so sweet at the same time.  I just love my little boy!  I still can't believe in a few weeks we will be celebrating his birthday.  This has been the fastest year of our lives!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day

We had a nice weekend celebrating Father's Day.  We spent time at the pool, playing in the backyard, and eating Jeremy's favorite foods.  I am doubly blessed when it comes to Dads.  I have a great dad who I love dearly and I am also married to one of the most amazing dads.  The boys and I are very lucky!!

Bennett wanted to pick out his own gift for Jeremy.  Of course my car loving boy decided Jeremy needed a new toy car.  He thinks everyone wants a toy car for a gift since that is his favorite thing to receive!  I took him to Target to pick out a car and he took forever to pick just the right one for Jeremy. After he picked the car we went over to pick out a treat for Jeremy and got him a big bag of M&Ms. I told Bennett we had to wait to give it to Daddy, but as soon as Jeremy got home from work that day Bennett says "Hey Daddy I got you a new black car and some treats!"  Oh well it is the thought that counts :)

All in all it was a great day celebrating the dads in our life!