Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Since we have been home...

We have had a lot of good quality family time.  Jeremy saved up a lot of his time off in anticipation of the baby so he doesn't go back to work until this Thursday.  I may cry when he leaves but honestly I feel pretty ready to tackle 2 young boys on my own and if it is a disaster at least Saturday will be right around the corner!  Also Bennett starts preschool again in a couple of weeks so my time being home with both of them everyday is short lived.  Here are some pictures that sum up what he have been up to...

Lots of sleeping going on by this little guy

Bennett shared his truck with Walker

He loves to swing

Bennett checking on Walker 

We have gotten a lot of snuggling in with Walker

Bennett thinks the baby toys are for him

Me and my peanut

Bennett loves for Walker to sit in his lap

More snoozing

Bennett is doing great with Walker.  He is interested in what he is doing but doesn't mind when Walker is crying or when I am feeding him he doesn't get jealous.  His attitude toward me and Jeremy is getting much better.  He had been taking his frustration out on me the most, but I guess that is to be expected.  I am usually with him all day everyday and now my attention is being diverted.  Bennett has really clung to Jeremy which is great, but I hope he handles Daddy being gone on Thursday.  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hospital Stay

We only had to stay in the hospital for 2 days, thank goodness!  Staying at the hospital is no fun since you are being bombarded every hour with a nurse needing to check on you or the baby.  We were so ready to get home and be in our own space and have Bennett back with us.  We were able to see Bennett every day while we were in the hospital which was so nice and made being away from him easier.  We also had a lot of visits from our family which helped pass the time.

Walker with Gigi and Papa Daddy

Pop Pop and Walker

Lou Lou

Aunt Tamara

Bennett wanted to come back up to see his brother and wanted to share George with him

He also wanted to share some cars...so sweet!

Uncle Josh meeting Walker

All 4 Brock boys!

Sweet face

Uncle Dallon

Getting ready to head home!

Going home

There is nothing like being home!  I am so glad we are all under the same roof again.

Walker Ford

On July 19th we welcomed our second son into the world!  Walker Ford was born at 1:41 pm he was 7 lbs 12 oz and 20.5 in.  He is such a wonderful baby and we feel beyond blessed that he is ours!

He made labor quick for me which I am grateful!  I went into labor around 6 am and he was born at 1:41.  The whole day still seems surreal and was such a whirlwind.  Jeremy was getting ready for work while I was laying in bed timing out contractions.  He came over and asked me if I was feeling ok and I told him I thought I was in labor and that he might want to stay home a little bit before heading to work so I could make sure.  By 7 I realized this was the real thing and we needed to start making some phone calls.  Thankfully the timing was perfect and we caught my dad before he headed to work, so we finished packing bags and got everything together that we needed so we could drop Bennett off with him.  A little after 8 we were heading to the hospital.  After filling out paperwork and a few other things I was able to get my epidural which was much needed!  Just a few hours later our sweet Walker was here!

Me and my precious little boy

Such a sweet little face

He has a head full of black hair

Jeremy holding Walker for the first time

With our newest addition

Bennett meeting his little brother for the first time

Checking out Walker

He needed one more look :)

Walker really makes our family feel complete.  It feels like he has been part of our family forever and he is fitting in so well and making the transition from one child to two pretty easy.  Jeremy is taking a good bit of time off of work so we are just soaking up our time together as a family of four.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sweet Friends!

Yesterday after Bennett's sports class my friend Hether and I took Bennett and Kennedy over to the mall to do some shopping and walk around.  The plan was to try and walk the baby out which sadly didn't work.  Bennett loves Kennedy so even though walking didn't do anything to bring on labor it was a fun day because they always have a great time with each other.

Sweet friends holding hands :)

As we were leaving Bennett and Kennedy held hands and they had to hold each other hands all the way out to our cars.  Then they gave each other a big hug goodbye.  They are so cute together!! 

Yesterday was also Lou Lou's birthday so a big Happy Birthday to her!!  All she wanted for her birthday was for the baby to be born, but sadly that did not happen.  I guess he will just have a to be a belated gift :) 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Cooking with Bennett

We have been really busy this summer, a lot more busy then I thought we would be.  Honestly I thought I would have more days of needing to find things to do with Bennett to keep us busy but lately days where we don't have plans are few and far between.  On those days that we don't have a lot to keep us busy I have been looking for good activities to do with Bennett that involve being inside.  It really is way too hot to be outside unless you are in a pool.  After his nap one afternoon I asked Bennett to help me cook.  I planned on making a big batch of spaghetti sauce.  My mom always did this when I was growing up.  She would make a huge pot and freeze it in batches so she could pull it out when she needed it.  It makes life easy when you need a quick meal and my mom's sauce is the best so it is a great thing to make a lot of and freeze.  I told Bennett we were going to make Nanny's sauce and he was very interested and wanted to help me out, so now spaghetti sauce is called Nanny's sauce and I hope one day Bennett makes it for his family.

Helping me make Nanny's sauce

The other day I saw a cupcake recipe on Pinterest I wanted to try and figured it would be another fun thing Bennett could help me cook.  He had a lot of fun making cupcakes and even more fun eating them!

Waiting for his cupcakes

Finally able to enjoy them!

Hopefully Bennett will want to keep helping me cook.  It is a fun thing for him and I to do together and it can't hurt for him to learn a few things so he will know how to cook for himself one day!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!

We had a good 4th of July.  There were fireworks near our house on the night of the 3rd so we planned to go and keep Bennett up late to watch them.  Sadly as soon as we left our house to head over the heavens opened up and it rained like crazy for the rest of the night.  I was so bummed it didn't work out and that we had to leave.  Bennett was really excited about seeing fireworks and his cousins.  My sister ended up going back and it turns out they still set the fireworks off during the thunderstorm but oh well hopefully next year we will have better luck.

Waiting in the car to see if the rain would stop

Since Tuesday night was a bust we got up yesterday and decided to spend the day at the pool.  Bennett loves going to the pool so we knew he would have a great time if we spent the day up there.  Not even 10 minutes into us being at the pool poor Bennett got stung by a bee on his neck!  He has never been stung so I was a bit worried if he would have a bad reaction to it and luckily he didn't and he didn't even cry when he got stung.  He barely even flinched.  Jeremy and I are freaking out trying to get the bee off of him and pull out the stinger and Bennett just sat there.  Tough little guy!

Poor baby's first sting :(

Since the sting didn't bother Bennett we hung out and played at the pool for most of the day.  We were all worn out by the time we left!  After the pool we cooked out and just hung out at home for the rest of the night.  Jeremy and I were able to see some fireworks being set off by our neighborhood but they weren't really big enough to see everything so it wasn't worth keeping Bennett up for.  Hopefully next year we will be able to see a big fireworks show with both boys!!

Happy 4th from my little guy!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Busy Weekend means a Lazy Monday

We had such a busy weekend enjoying time with family.  It was so much fun but it wore all of us out!

Today I was tired and so was Bennett from our busy weekend so we have had a low key Monday.  I just cleaned and got a lot done around the house and lucky for me Bennett was content to stay inside and just hang out.  Considering the temperature around here has been well over 100 I am so glad to just be in the air conditioning!  Bennett did help me clean this morning, so it was nice having an extra set of hands to get all of my cleaning done :)

Cleaning the rug

Checking over his work

Taking a break!  He deserved it after all of his hard work :)

I can't believe it is already July and we are weeks away from the baby arriving!!  I am now going weekly to the doctor and it really could be any day so we are just trying to get some last minute things done in preparation for the big day!  So exciting!!!