Monday, January 30, 2012

Outside Fun!

We have been enjoying this warm weather this winter.  Bennett and I go on a walk every afternoon if it is warm enough and this weekend we were able to all get outside and play.  Bennett loves all the extra outdoor time and I am enjoying it because I am getting in some exercise which I am trying to keep up with this pregnancy!

I am also very excited because we got a lot done this weekend for Bennett's new big boy room.  We found a bed we love for him and we have narrowed down the bedding we are going to get him.  Once I decide we are going to get everything ordered for him.  We picked up some paint samples yesterday and I like one of them but I am not sure what exactly I want yet.  I am so excited about his room and cannot wait to get everything together.  Bennett's nursery is green so the new baby will just take that room and I won't get to repaint and if Baby #2 is a boy he will just get an exact repeat of Bennett's nursery.  If the baby is a girl I will make the room more girly and get new crib bedding, so Bennett's new room is my only chance to decorate an entire room so I am really looking forward to it.  We keep asking Bennett if he wants a big boy room and a big boy bed and he says no.  I told him the baby needs his crib and if he will let the baby have his crib and he of course says no.  Hopefully he will be more interested in his big boy room when it is all set up!  

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Baby did it!

Bennett had a scratch on his nose so I asked him how he scratched it.  First he tells me Patty did it, so then I asked him again to see if I would get the same answer and he then told me the baby did it.  Sneaky baby!  Later in the week he was talking so whiny so I asked him why he was whining and he told me it was because of the baby!  Poor baby is being blamed for things by his big brother and I am sure this will go on for a long time!  Bennett is being so cute though he pats my stomach and says "Hi baby" and will point to it at random times throughout the day.  Should be funny to see his reaction to it once I actually have a big belly.

I am definitely starting to feel a lot better and this is one demanding baby as far as food cravings.  I am obsessed with anything citrus right now!  I go through a carton of those Cuties oranges a week and drink lots of orange, grapefruit, and other citrus juice.  I literally cannot get enough.  This is my biggest craving so far and I definitely have more but I can't go a day with out having some type of citrus.  I guess it could be worse and I could be craving a bag of potato chips so at least baby wants one healthy thing.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bennett is so excited...

Because he is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!  We are due with Baby #2 in July and couldn't be more excited to welcome a new addition into our family!

Excited to be a big brother! 

I decided to take a pregnancy test on a random Tuesday so I was home alone and to be honest expecting it to be negative. I was shocked to see a positive come back immediately.  I wanted to call Jeremy at work and tell him but thought it would be much more fun to wait until he got home.  When Bennett got up from his nap I put him in a Big Brother shirt that my sister handed down to us from Ryan, so I was lucky to have something to put him in.  When Jeremy walked in the door he didn't notice Bennett's shirt so I told him to take a look at what Bennett had on and he was shocked and thrilled!  It was so fun to see his reaction!

This pregnancy has been different then my pregnancy with Bennett but unfortunately the one common thread is morning sickness or in my case 24/7 sickness.  I was much more sick with Bennett then this one, but I have still been pretty sick this time.  Zofran is my best friend these days.  I have been feeling much better the past couple of weeks but every morning is still a little touch and go.  I really can't wait to stop feeling nauseous and get some energy back.  I have to say the main reason I have gotten through my first trimester is because of Jeremy.  He has literally done anything I have needed him to do.  He has picked up any food craving I have no matter how random or how far away the restaurant might be!  He has also done laundry, cleaned, grocery shopped, entertained our rambunctious 2 year old, you name it he has done it.  For weeks I just felt too sick to do much of anything and he really took over and made my life much easier so I could just be miserable on the couch.  I know it can't be fun for him to be around a sick person 24/7 but I think he knows how terrible I felt so luckily he didn't mind.  I am slowly returning to the land of the living and feeling like a normal person again and just hope it continues to get better.  

We find out in March if we are having a boy or a girl and we can't wait to find out.  I really don't have a preference just want to make sure everything is healthy with the baby and to me it is a win win.  Either we have another sweet boy and Bennett gets a brother or we have a little girl and get to have one of each!  So far most everyone is guessing this little one is a girl so we will see in March who is right!

Monday, January 9, 2012

My 2 year old!

I have been meaning to write this since Bennett turned 2 last month.  Shows how on the ball I am!  Anyway I just want to document some things about him and what he is up to these days.  We went to the pediatrician for his well check and he weighed in at 29.8 lbs 80% and is 34 1/2 inches tall 50%.  I knew he was getting a lot heavier  and he is getting way to heavy for me to carry anymore.  Bennett is talking a lot more lately and repeating a lot more of what we say.  The other day at school his teachers told me he talked up a storm to them all day which made me happy.  He talks a lot to Jeremy and I but when he is around other people he is a lot more quiet and reserved.  He can count to 3 and is recognizing some numbers and he is learning his shapes too.  We are working on our colors and ABCs now too.  His favorite mode of transportation is running!  I rarely see him walk he literally runs all day long and his favorite game to play is chase.  He will come get me or Jeremy and tell us to come on so we will chase him around then he falls down so we will tickle him.  He LOVES our dogs unfortunately the love is not reciprocated back to him.  He is becoming a bit too rough for them and we are teaching him to be gentle but he isn't quite getting it.  He also likes to tell the dogs no if they are doing something wrong and he will yell at Alice when she barks and say "Alice Hush!!!" it is really funny!

Laying on Patty, doesn't Patty look thrilled!

He loves Patty so much!

He is stubborn (I have no idea where he got that from) and can cop quite an attitude but most of the time he is so sweet.  I have to say this age is fun most of the time and I am enjoying Bennett so much.  He is still a very picky eater and some days will only eat one good meal, but my pediatrician assured me that is ok and he will eat when he is hungry.  I am hoping he outgrows this soon and will start eating a better variety of food.  We just love our little 2 year old so much and it is fun seeing him learning so much and turning into a big boy!