Today was picture day at Bennett's school. When I went to pick him up the teacher said that Bennett's picture turned out really cute. I cannot wait to see them!!! He also had another great day at school, so I think we have finally turned a corner. His teacher said that he will cry for the first 30 seconds after I leave then he is fine. Today I accidentally left his lunch in the car, so after I dropped him off I ran back out to get it and by the time I came back I peeked in his classroom and he was already playing and having fun. I am beyond relieved and happy that he is enjoying himself.
Here are a few pictures from our week. We have had a busy week full of play dates, school, and lots of play time outside.
Snack time on the counter (this is becoming a daily occurrence after Bennett's nap)
He loves eating his snack on the counter!
Ella came over and helped me wake up cute are they!?
Popsicle time after dinner
Popsicle and bubbles equals a fun time!
This morning when Bennett woke up I went in to get him and he handed me his pajama pants. Little stinker had taken off his pants, but luckily he left his diaper on! I might have to put him back in zip up pajamas if he continues to undress in the middle of the night!